What is Engage?
Engage is a dockbar based on Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. There are two version of Engage. There's a standalone version and a module version for E17. The module Engage currently works as an app-launcher, taskbar and a system tray. Click
here for more detail. I install Engage on My Ubuntu Dapper Drake as a standalone version. So it's work in my Ubuntu default windowmanager (GNOME).
Engage on Ubuntu Repository
An easly way to install Engage:
- Add this following line to my /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://soulmachine.net/breezy/ unstable/
- Download public key from that repository
wget soulmachine.net/public.key && sudo apt-key add public.key
- Update my repository
sudo apt-get update
- Install Engage
sudo apt-get install engage
- Run Engage
- Configure Engage
Configure my Engage to suitable for my desktop
Install From CVS
Just try to install from CVS :D I don't have experience with bash programming. So I make it by my self and It's just make easier for me to install Engage :D
- Install some packages required for Engage to compile properly.
sudo apt-get install cvs autoconf automake1.7 gettext libtool libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-dev libpng3-dev libtiff4-dev libungif4-dev libbz2-dev libltdl3-dev pkg-config libxine-dev libgtk1.2-dev build-essential flex bison byacc libxcursor-dev libcurl3-dev
- Getting the sources
cd ~/
mkdir cvs
cd cvs
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous:@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/enlightenment login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous:@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/enlightenment co e17 misc
- EFL’s compilation (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries)
Before starting to compile, I need to add a line in the /etc/ld.so.conf file, to allow the programs to access the newly installed library (/usr/local/lib) when running ldconfig command.
sudo -s -H
echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf
The common procedure to compile every library is:
cd ~/cvs/e17/libs/
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ~/cvs
There are 15 libraries need to be complied (edb, eet, imlib2, imlib2_loaders, evas, ecore, epeg, embryo, edje, epsilon, esmart, emotion, etox, ewl, engrave) and locate at ~/cvs/e17/libs/.
- Engage compilation
I just compile and install 3 applications for my Engage:
/cvs/e17/apps/e_utils : configuration tools for E17
/cvs/e17/apps/examine : configuration tools for the applications
/cvs/misc/engage : The beautiful MAC OS X style dock
Go to each directory compile and install them with standard procedure (mention above)
If you feel sick to do this one by one, You can download my simple
install script that will help to compile and to install all libraries and applications. If you feel Engage not suitable for you, just run this
uninstall script. Download these files to ~/cvs.
After all libraries and engage have been installed succesfully. We need to configure it.
- Make directory to our new engage. This directory will use to store our EAP files.
mkdir -p ~/.e/e/applications/all
- Make ".order" file at ~/.e/e/applications/engage
This file is simply a list of EAP files in the order we want them to show up in the bar.
vi ~/.e/e/applications/engage/.order
You can download my EAP files and my ".order" file for example from
here. You can make them by yourself (^ ^,)
To show analog clock and digital clock, copy either
expedition.edj or
digital.edj from http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/enlightenment/misc/engage/ to ~/.e/apps/engage/sysicons. Perhaps You need to create sysicons directory.
External link
- Enlightenment
- Engage on Dapper
- Enlightenment DR17 HOWTO
Any suggestion will be appreciate. Thx anyway and sorry for my English :">
me, sUpricak3p
Thank for your help.