Showing posts from 2006

Dclickads - Maximize Internet Advertising Traffic AND Website Publisher Inventory!

Dclickads is an internet advertising and marketing service connecting advertis…

How to Find Diamond Online

Is it really possible to find my diamond online? Yes, it is possible to find yo…

Picasa on Ubuntu Linux Tutorial

What is Picasa for Linux? Picasa is software that helps you instantly find,…

Re-install my Dapper Drake

Setelah ngoprek sana-sini ternyata ditemukan beberapa aplikasi yang ngaco. Wadu…

Yes, be health...

Akhirnya udah sembuh juga. Istirahat yang cukup dan jangan lupa banyak makan. H…

Hiks, Kayanya Kena Flu...

Waduh badanku rasanya kagak enak nich. Kayanya mau kena flu. Tapi aku gak mau k…

Rotate My Wallpaper Over Time

I find a nice script from here to rotate my wallpaper over time (GNOME). Just …

Firefox memory hungry?

What is firefox? Firefox is one of Web Browser. See more detail here . What&#…

Dynamic Signature

I have an idea to display dynamic signature using my userbar. Basic idea is dis…

Create Signature @ Blogger

By default there no signature template at Blogger, correct me if I wrong :D. So…

My Own User Bar

What is this? User bar can be use for your signature in forum or another place…

Gaim nuoveXT icon set

I had modified gaim icon set based on nuoveXT-1.6 icon set. I made two version.…

My Last Long Weeked

Ini adalah pengalaman long weekend-ku yang kemaren. Tanggal 8 - 10 April 2006. …

My Dapper OSX Style

Just another theme to make my Dapper to OSX looklike: Theme: T-ish-Aquastyle…

Engage on my Ubuntu Dapper Drake

What is Engage? Engage is a dockbar based on Enlightenment Foundation Librari…

My Ubuntu Dapper Drake so cool with nuoveXT

What is nuoveXT? nuoveXT is an icon theme for GNOME and KDE. The goal of nuove…

Maen ke Tangkuban Perahu

Hari ini akhirnya bisa jalan-jalan juga. Udah niatan dari dulu-dulu pengin jala…

Hari ini Harpitnas

Apa itu Harpitnas? Harpitnas adalah singkatan dari hari kejepit nasional. Kok…

KXDocker on my Dapper Drake

What is KXDocker? KXDocker is a docker for KDE environment. This docker is li…

My Ubuntu just look a like OSX

Udah lama gak ngoprek desktop lagi nich. Akhirnya iseng-iseng menghias tampila…

Instalasi Server Debian Kernel 2.6

Belajar dari pengalaman kemaren-kemaren. Ternyata aku bikin salah saat instalas…

nGe-blogger lagi

Waduuh udah lama banget nich gak buka blogger sendiri. Biasalah sok sibuk dan m…

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